Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Complex India!

As I read newspaper or chk out tweets, India is plauged with army of issues (I refuse to watch crap on news channels)! Most of the solutions are X, y, they or Government should do this or that! But y r v nt taking the onus. Y r v led by the system. The change should come in all of us, in ME!

I plan to run on this thought starting today. Hope to bring about some change.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Things change!

Here i am on a sunday absolutely no company and things to have come to a halt!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Look beyond!

Its has been quite extra ordinary, this whole thing of finding a partner. Extra ordinary because amount of people who just look at appearance!

I am no rajkumar with mirror cracking looks. Its now getting damm frustrating now.

I hope it doesnt translate into a feeling that this is a thing I need to get done with!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Low Energy

Its been quite strange feeling I have in the past 10 odd days. Dnt feel proactive. Think a lot.. A LOT!!. Overall very low energy.

There is nothing that has prompted this. Just generally spill over of events in ABs life. That has put me in spiral of thoughts.

Hope to refocus soon. Need to start firing now. HIGH TIME!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


While the capital markets currently nothing to talk about, I have been witnessing unforeseen activity at work.

There are couple of factors to this activity. One definately is lot of companies exploring ways to expand their sources of funds. Other factor is that finally months of BD activity is bearing a juicy fruit. The relationship built over months and some cases more than a year of constantly being in touch, understanding their business and the difficulties.

BD is not abt a signed mandate. Its about how well you communicate and are very true & clear in your interactions. Large talks and other methods to impress a prospect doesnt take you long. May be a short term gain.

Still i have a long way to go, but exciting times for sure.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Blogging after a few weeks. It has been a funny day. Emotionally tiring. Happy, sad, angry, contemplative, etc.

But feel something is missing. But I cant do anything about it. Hope this too will pass.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Ridiculous Day

This was easily the most Ridiculous day at work! Boss jst snaps for no apparant reason. And he has this habbit to snap like a loose cannon every now then.

I respect him a lot. But after today incident, i feel i should take a call abt my future here before i loose respect.

Oppoetunities are knowing, but had ignored them uptil now. I guess now the time has come!